Apple recently launched the AirPods 4, which come in two different versions: one with ANC active noise cancellation and MagSafe charging support. If you have the new AirPods 4, keep reading as we’ve rounded up the best cases and straps for Apple’s wireless earbuds — Black Friday deals are available right now.
AirPods come with a charging case that protects the earbuds when not in use. However, some users may want to use an external charging case for added protection or simply use a decorative charging case.
ESR, a popular Apple accessory maker, offers different cases for the AirPods 4. One, the Cloud, has a soft surface and a cleaner look, while the other, the Orbit, is made of hard plastic and has a more refined finish. ESR also has the Cyber series, which is a more durable design that provides full protection. They are available in a variety of colors.
Another popular AirPods 4 case is the ORNARTO Silicone Case, which provides dual-layer protection for the entire charging case. The case is available in 17 beautiful colors and comes with a strap.
If you’re looking for a more interesting case, DamonLight has a great AirPods 4 Game Controller Case that’s also shockproof and comes with a keychain. Another interesting option is the Elago case, which is inspired by the Nintendo Game Boy. If you prefer a case with a floral pattern, the Maxjoy case is just the thing.
Spigen also includes a durable matte black case with MagSafe for the AirPods 4. Why not get the clear VEIRRW case to keep Apple’s original design?
While only the AirPods Pro 2 charging case has a lanyard slot, most AirPods cases also have a lanyard slot. This means you can further customize your AirPods by choosing different straps. Here are a few options:
Are there any other cool AirPods accessories that deserve to be on the list? Let us know in the comments section below.
Filipe Esposito is a Brazilian tech journalist who started covering Apple news on iHelp BR and has published several exclusives, including the announcement of new Apple Watch Series 5 models in titanium and ceramic. He joins 9to5Mac to bring the world more tech news.
Post time: Jan-06-2025